Water in Nicaragua is subject to several waterborne illnesses including: leptospirosis, giardia, hepatitis A, E. coli, and typhoid. Our filtration system eliminates 99.99% of all waterborne illnesses.
Rural Nicaragua is reported to be “high risk” for major waterborne infectious disesase (CIA.gov, 2023.)
Our filtration system also allows for the proper storage of up to 20 liters of clean water. This, accompanied with waterborne illness education provided by OneWater, helps to reduce mosquito borne illness as a result of open air/ unclean water storage.
Rural Nicaragua is reported to be “high risk” for major vectorborne infectious diseases including dengue fever and malaria. (CIA.gov, 2023).
Each month, rural families lose $40 (between 15-25% of their wages) to water based costs. Reducing expenses and limiting days missed (at work or school) due to illness allows families to save money.
Increasing access to clean water allows families to save money and creates new economic growth.
Clean Water Changes Lives
Water Access
Our Filter Recipients:
Water Storage
Families store their water in containers, buckets, and basins. They are often un-covered and further contaminated by insects, pests, and animals. Our filters allow families to safely store up to 20 liters of clean water in a closed container! This, accompanied with waterborne illness education provided by OneWater, helps to reduce mosquito borne illness as a result of open air/ unclean water storage.