Our Mission

Our mission is to provide clean water to the families of Nicaragua.

By providing water filtration systems and education on the importance of clean water, we will help save lives, reduce waterborne illness, and ensure sustainable access to clean water.

Water is critical for sustainable development, including environmental integrity and the alleviation of poverty and hunger, and is indispensable for human health and well-being.
— United Nations

One Filter. One Family. Onewater.



Locally produced water filtration systems are provided to families in need. These filters allow families to safely store up to 20 liters of water, and filter up to 36 liters in 24 hours. Filters eliminate waterborne illness causing bacteria.



Community leaders, volunteers, and local water captains identify households who are in need of water filtration systems. Focusing on households ensures that our filtration solution is sustainable. Each family receives education regarding the importance of clean water and filter maintenance.

Local Model

  • By working with local leaders, volunteers, and employees in Nicaragua, the families we aid are never out of reach. Our volunteers and in-country employees are trained in filter maintenance to ensure families receive maximum output. 

  • By creating a local network, OneWater brings accountability to a local level while establishing leadership and technical skills. 

  • The simple, effective filter design ensures that regardless of the state of the water source, families will have clean water.